Friday, April 29, 2011

ASP Meeting Notes - 4/26/11

  • Anthony reported that at the last Inland Empire Section Meeting he read in the notes that the meeting before Fred had announced that he wanted to purchase two new computers for the studio, two for the GIS lab and a new server for the GIS lab, all using department funds.
  • Brian officially received Chris’ resignation this week; the bylaws state that other board members will have to cover his duties until we find a replacement.
o Brian & Ali will work this week on getting a ballot process underway.
  • Brian made a request to have someone attend the upcoming Request Justification Meeting of the ASEWU on Wednesday April 27th at 6:40 in Cheney.

o Will discussed attending, but needed to know how long it would last.

  • Ali brought up the issue of the difficulty in getting emails passed along through Rose and discussed having the process run through her. We discussed the issues with FERPA, but it seems that if Rose sends and email to all members of the Planning Dept and explains the situation to them, giving them the opportunity to “Opt-Out” of having their email passed along to another student, then we might be covering our bases, in terms of liability. Brian is going to discuss with Rose further.
  • It was brought up again that we will be asked for funds from the community garden group. Will mentioned that Nicole from the Inland Empire section said they have funds to match whatever ASP donates.

o It sounds like the school is worried about summer maintenance of the garden.

o Someone asked why we don’t try something similar at the Riverpoint Campus

§ Brian mentioned talking with Senator Murray’s staff about the soil mitigation work they are doing on our campus and further discussing this idea with them

  • The Tech Committee was discussed again; it sounds like it will consist of Jeremy, Anna, Ryan, Muhammad and possibly Chris.

o Jeremy reported that the monitors have issues in the studio, but it appears that the actual computers work ok.

o The Surplus Dept was contacted and asked, “do we have to purchase parts from you if they are intended for campus use and not personal student use?” Jeremy was told that if the computer parts are for campus use, then we can moved into the 3-year rotation cycle instead of the 6-year (meaning when computer parts are rotated out of the labs every three year, we can have access to them/be on the list for them)

o Jeremy will put together a needs analysis

  • Will brought up the issue of off-hour access to the building/computer labs. Supposedly he has come to campus over the weekends and has been told by security that the labs are closed, therefore he cannot get in to the building.

o Brian is going to discuss the issue with Rose to possibly have her send a letter to security, telling them it is ok to let students with a EWU pass into the buildings over the weekend.

  • Karl & Kevin want to have a Studio-Cleaning Pizza Party

o The decided date was Saturday May 7th at 11AM.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Ali Kara

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