Monday, March 12, 2012

Bylaws and Election Report

During the March 6, 2012 ASP membership meeting, I was directed by those present to determine an expedited schedule for making changes to the bylaws and conducting an election in preparation for a new executive board. My findings are summarized here.

Bylaws Amendments

The current bylaws (online here) envision a two-meeting process for the amendment of the bylaws. They state that bylaws amendments require a 72-hour notice period prior to the first meeting during which information is to be provided and discussed. At the second meeting the proposed amendments are to be put to a vote. The second meeting is required to be a regular membership meeting. Consequently, the first meeting during which amendments may be adopted is the first meeting in April. Parliamentary procedure allows the amendments themselves to be amended by majority vote; the bylaws require that amendments to the bylaws are adopted and made effective by 2/3s vote of those present.


The current bylaws are explicit: elections must be held in May. In order to hold earlier elections, the assumption must be made that a bylaws amendment will occur in order to hold the election at any other time. Presuming that such an amendment were to be made, the executive board would follow this procedure:

  1. approve the change of month to April for the election prior to March 15

  2. receive nominations during the first meeting in April (procedurally, following the adoption of amended bylaws)

  3. conduct elections during the second meeting in April

  4. seat the new officers during the regular meeting following the second meeting in April.

Expedited Schedule

With the above considerations, the most reasonably expedited schedule would be as follows (with the minimal cushion necessary to ensure that each step is completed early enough for sufficient notice for the next step to occur):

  1. March 8-19: Transmit the text of proposed bylaws amendments prior to 72 hours prior regular membership meeting

  2. Prior to March 15: executive board accepts a motion to conduct elections for new officers in April

  3. March 11-23: a meeting (under current circumstances, in Cheney) at least 72 hours after transmission of proposed amendments during which the amendments are moved and discussed

  4. Prior to March 29: executive board sets regular meeting schedule for spring quarter

  5. Two business days prior to membership meeting during the week of April 2-6: Written nominations accepted for elected offices.

  6. Week of April 2-6: Regular Membership Meeting during which:
    a) amendments to the bylaws are adopted; and
    b) nominations are taken from the floor

  7. Two business days following membership meeting during the week of April 2-6: Written nominations accepted for elected offices

  8. Week of April 16-20: Regular Membership Meeting during which the election of officers is conducted.

  9. Immediately after #8, executive board meeting to revise the regular membership meeting schedule, if necessary.

  10. Next Regular Membership Meeting: New officers are officially seated.

Proposing Amendments

If you have an amendment you would like to propose, please send it to me and I will include the proposal along with other proposals I have already received so they may be considered at the same meetings. You may, of course, offer amendments at a later time if you prefer.

ASP President

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