Friday, March 30, 2012

Proposed Bylaws Amendment

A RESOLUTION to amend the bylaws of the Association of Student Planners; striking current officer election procedures; providing for new officer election procedures; and other matters appropriately related thereto.
WHEREAS, the membership of the Association of Student Planners (“Association”) wishes to modernize and clarify the procedures for the election of officers of the Association;
WHEREAS, causing the election of officers earlier in the academic year provides for a period of transition from past officers to newly elected officers prior to the end of the year; and
WHEREAS, the major fundraisers of the year are commonly completed prior to the end of March; and
WHEREAS, notice of this proposed amendment was provided on to the membership on Friday, March 16, 2012 for the purpose of presentation to the membership at a meeting on Wednesday, March 21, 2012 and scheduled consideration at the following membership meeting;

NOW, THEREFORE, be it RESOLVED by the Association of Student Planners:

SECTION 1 – Current Election Procedures Removed. The contents of Article Five are to be stricken from the Bylaws of the Association of Student Planners, to wit:
5.1 Nominations for all officers will be taken from the floor during the first regular meeting with the month of May each year. Elections shall follow taking place during the month of May each year.
5.2 All officio and ex-officio members are eligible to be nominated for office, however, officio standing is required to hold or retain any Association office.
5.3 Any member may nominate any member, including him or herself. The member nominated for office must accept the nomination. Each nomination requires a second in order to be considered for the office.
5.4 Elections shall take place via email and written ballot.
5.5 A simple majority vote of the members will be sufficient to elect an officer. If there are more than two candidates and no candidate receives a majority, there will be a run-off between the top two vote recipients. If additional ties result, a simple coin toss conducted by a member in full standing that is not running for office will occur to determine the election.

SECTION 2 – New Election Procedures Inserted. The following language is to be inserted in the Bylaws of the Association of Student Planners as Article Five:
5.1 Commencement of Elections.
5.1.1 Most Offices. Elections for officers of the Association shall commence during the first meeting in May. Upon a majority vote of the Executive Board, the commencement of election procedures may be prior to the first meeting of May, provided such vote is made not less than two weeks prior to commencement. No election shall commence prior to the first meeting of March.
5.1.2 Cheney Representative. Notwithstanding section 0, the election of Cheney Representative shall commence during the first meeting in October.
5.2 Nominations. Elections shall commence with nominations for officers during the first regular meeting and via electronic communication with the Secretary during the period two (2) from business days prior and following inclusive. Any known member may nominate any known member, including himself or herself. Any nominee may decline the nomination. The President shall second all valid nominations.
5.3 President – Vice President. Unless otherwise specified by the nominator, all accepted and seconded nominations for President shall also be a nomination for Vice President. A candidate for the office of President may decline the nomination for Vice President.
5.4 Election Meeting. Voting shall take place during the first regular meeting not less than one week after the close of nominations.
5.5 Method of Voting. Elections shall take place via email and written ballot.
5.6 Electors.
5.6.2 Most Offices. All known members shall be entitled to vote for all officers other than Cheney Representative.
5.6.3 Cheney Representative. All known members who have planning program ("PLAN") classes in scheduled on the Cheney campus during the scheduled month shall be entitled to vote for Cheney Representative.
5.7 Procedure. A simple majority vote of the electors will be sufficient to elect an officer. If there are more than two candidates for an office, the election shall be conducted using an instant runoff format. The President shall conduct a coin toss should a tie occur.
5.8 Multiple Offices. Should a person be elected to multiple Executive Board offices, the elected person shall select one Executive Board office to occupy and the candidate with the next highest vote count for the abandoned office or offices shall be elected.
5.9 Seating. Newly elected officers shall be seated at the next regularly scheduled meeting following their election.

SECTION 3 – Supermajority Required. This resolution requires a two-thirds vote in affirmation of those present to become effective.

SECTION 4 – Effective Date. This resolution is effective immediately.

RESOLVED this _____ Day of April 2012

ATTESTED: Secretary of the Association President of the Association EFFECTIVE DATE:

1 comment:

  1. There are several transcription errors in the above text. Technical amendments will be offered at the April 5 meeting. Specifically:

    1) The word "and" will be stricken from the end of the second recital ("WHEREAS")

    2) In Section 5.1.2, the number "0" will be stricken and replaced with "5.1.1"

    3) In section 5.2 the word "from" will be stricken.

    4) Sections 5.6.2 and 5.6.3 will be renumbered 5.6.1 and 5.6.2 respectively.


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